Sunday 18 December 2011


BAFTA have different qualification guidelines to the Oscars, being British and that. And now they've released their list of eligible films. Regarding which films are not on the list, it's pretty few, with Albert Nobbs the only major contender to be absent, which is a shame, as it stood a pretty decent chance, I think, at picking up a number of significant nominations at BAFTA. All the same, it'll have its chance next year...yeah right...Also on the list are two films which received Oscar nominations last year - Animal Kingdom and Country Strong.

The most striking thing for me on this list, though, is the 'Original Music' section - great original scores like The Tree of Life and Shame have been declared unoriginal, presumably due to the considerable amount of pre-existing music used in the films. There's definitely reason to this, but why should the original portions of these scores be denied nominations on technicalities? Thankfully, the score for blockbuster World of the Dead: Zombie Diaries 2 is eligible, so there's hope for humanity yet.

Here's the link.

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