My oh my what a selection of hidden treasures for you this week. That's just that, they all begin with 'My'.
This is kind of ultimate early-00s middle-class, Middle England rebellious teenage girl lifestyle porn times infinity. The film that introduced people to Ben Whishaw also ought to have introduced people to the terrific Jenna Harrison. It yields to a whole heap of cliches, but the dramatic effect is undeniable, and the biting earnestness in the performances is captivating.
A scattershot, surprisingly challenging ensemble comedy-drama from that most idiosyncratic Russian director, the recently deceased Aleksey German. Every time you think you know which route German's going to take you down, he swerves and races off in an entirely different, unexpected direction. German was a true original, and he'll be missed.
Werner Herzog rather puzzled a few viewers with My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done, one of his most bolshily abtsract films, but then that's what he's here for. Michael Shannon is riveting and terrifying, and Herzog's direction as fabulously, peculiarly bizarre as ever. Proof (though it was never required) that Herzog has lost none of his brilliance, even over forty years after commencing his filmmaking career.